
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The First Album Please Please Me

Please-Please Me Albums
Please-please Me Albums
Please Please Me is the first album released by The Beatles in 1963, by Parlophone Records, following the success of singles 'Love Me Do' (rank 17) and 'Please Please Me' (rank 1) in the UK charts. The album was quickly brought the Beatles to fame in the UK. Of the 14 songs contained on this album, eight of which were created by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. In 2003, Rolling Stone through the list of 500 Best Albums of All Time puts the album was ranked number 39.

Please Please Me album was the fastest album done by the Beatles, that is only one day in the day Wednesday, February 11th, 1963 at Abbey Road studios in London. Songs in this album is a song repertoire that often they sing in their concerts in the Cavern Club, Liverpool. The song 'Twist and Shout', recorded last time, only recorded two times, using his first version, because Lennon is flu. So the song is finally brought by McCartney.

Please Please Me album songs :

  1. I Saw Her Standing There
  2. Misery
  3. Anna (Go to Him)
  4. Chains
  5. Boys
  6. Ask Me Why
  7. Please Please Me
  8. Love Me Do
  9. P.S. I Love You
  10. Baby It's You
  11. Do You Want to Know a Secret
  12. A Taste of Honey
  13. There's a Place
  14. Twist and Shout

View All Song and Albums : The Beatles Albums and Lyrics


  1. waduh sayang banget nich aq gak tau artinya coz pake bahasa inggris.... he3x.......
    tapi tahulah sedikit klo bahas the beatles ma the rolling stones....

  2. wah aq comentnya gagal PERTAMAX nih .,, yaudah KEDUAX ajah gpp .. aq ithem ajah ama kang muzzy musthofa, gg mudeng.. ^_^ hehehehe .....

  3. waduh sob,,aq gk ngert bhsa'a....
    btw,cbox nya gk kliatan sob..

  4. pasangg widgett tranlateenyaa dunddd

  5. Nice post ^_^

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  6. oke... sob,,,,


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  7. saya translate dulu sob,kunjungan perdana nich^_^

  8. datang berkunjung....beatles lovers..

  9. wow, disini toh tempatnya betles lovers, aku slh satunya nih... wah slm knl sob...
    qita saling tukar komen ya..!

  10. datang berkunjung,ana senang tuh lagu2 batles

  11. ceritanya lagi mau nyari lagu2 the beatles ?
    wah kbtulah tuh... saya tidak punya... wkwkwkwk

    kunjung balik nih gan... :D /

  12. kunjungan balik sob thank's dah mampir

  13. Kunjungan malam sob...lam kenal yach...jangan lupa comment juga yach!

  14. thx for visit my blog..

    salam kenal bro.. saya juga suka the beatles..
    hehehe.. :D


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